Hindu Funeral Traditions
Flower Mound Family Funeral Home specializes in Hindu funeral rites. With our own inhouse crematory we are able to do all services in one location to better serve the families.

The Hindi religion teaches that when someone dies, the soul passes into another body. That belief in reincarnation provides the foundation for Hindu funeral traditions. Although different groups have slightly different practices, there is a common set of Hindu funeral rites that all follow.
Hindu funeral rites take the form of chants or mantras, which are specially written to be chanted at funerals. The officiant is a Hindu priest, who also presides over all the Hindu funeral rites, leading the family and other mourners in the various rituals.
During the cremation however it’s typically the eldest son who presides, with the priest overseeing the activities, though different Hindu groups may follow different funeral rites. We allow all Hindu death rituals to be performed on site. We allow the family to do the bathing of the body and dressing and then place the body in a special cremation casket and moved into our chapel for the private family Puja Prayer service before moving the deceased to the crematory for the final ritual. After the cremation we will hold the ashes until the family is ready for the scattering ceremony.